People in the New Testament

Who were the authors of the New Testament, and when was each book written? Have you ever wondered that? Below is a list of the books, ordered by when they are believed to have been written. No one knows the exact dates, and scholars don't always agree, so the order is debatable, but these are some of the most specific dates I could find. It is close enough to give us an idea of which ones were written closest to the time Jesus lived. It is believed that the Lord was born ca. 6-4 BC, began preaching ca. 27-29 AD and died between 30-36 AD. I will also list, in parentheses, about how many years after his death each book might have been written.

BookAuthorWrittenMain Content
JamesJames, brother of the Lord?48-49 AD
(12-19 yrs)
- Jews to live bold Christian life
- practical advise
- faith transforms us
MatthewMatthew (Levi), disciple of Jesus48-50 AD
(12-20 yrs)
- genealogy of Joseph's family
- Jesus' birth & childhood
- ministry of Jesus
- death and resurrection
GalationsPaul, prior to Jerusalem council49 AD
(13-19 yrs)
- problems with circumcision
- Jews legalizing Gentile believers
1ThessaloniansPaul, to the church in Thessalonica52-54 AD
(16-24 yrs)
- strengthen believers
- mentions 2nd coming
- faith, hope, love
2ThessaloniansPaul, to the church in Thessalonica52-54 AD
(16-24 yrs)
- correct false teaching that 2nd
  coming had already happened
1 CorinthiansPaul, to the church in Corinth56 AD
(20-26 yrs)
- cease immorality
- divisions among Christians
2 CorinthiansPaul, to the church in Corinth56 AD
(20-26 yrs)
- depend Paul's apostleship
- warn against false teachers
RomansPaul, to the believers in Rome56-57 AD
(20-27 yrs)
- faith & trust in the Lord
- spreading the gospel
- salvation through Jesus
LukeLuke, Paul's Greek physician59-61 AD
(23-31 yrs)
- Jesus' birth in detail
- John the Baptist prepares the way
- Jesus' baptism
- ministry of Jesus
- Judas betrays Him
- death and resurrection
1 PeterPeter, disciple of Jesus60 AD
(24-30 yrs)
- encouragement during persecution
- be more holy
ActsLuke, Paul's Greek physician60-62 AD
(24-32 yrs)
- Holy Ghost
- spreading of the gospel
- organizing the church
- Jewish religion to Christianity
EphesiansPaul, while in prison60-62 AD
(24-32 yrs)
- encourage believers
- serve in unity and love
ColossiansPaul, while in prison60-62 AD
(24-32 yrs)
- response to false teachings
- serve more fully
PhilemonPaul, while in prison61 AD
(25-31 yrs)

- forgiveness for runaway servant
PhilippiansPaul, anticipating release from prison62 AD
(26-32 yrs)
- appreciation
- encourage personal growth
1 TimothyPaul, to young church leader (Timothy)62 AD
(26-32 yrs)
- encouragement
- leadership guidelines
2 PeterPeter, disciple of Jesus63-64 AD
(27-34 yrs)
- warns against false teachers
MarkJohn Mark, companion of Paul & Peter64 AD
(28-34 yrs)
- Jesus is the Messiah, Son of God
- John the Baptist
- baptism of Jesus
- calling of 12 disciples
- his ministry & service
- death and resurrection
HebrewsPaul or Barnabas?67 AD
(31-37 yrs)
- dealing with persecution
- keep the faith
2 TimothyPaul, to Timothy67 AD
(31-37 yrs)
- give directions to Timothy
- asks him to visit Paul once more
TitusPaul, to Titus, a Greek believer66 AD
(30-36 yrs)
- leadership direction to Titus
- encouragement
- dealing with false teachers
- our sinful nature
JudeJude, brother of Jesus & James75 AD
(39-45 yrs)
- warns against false teachings
- truth of Jesus
JohnJohn, disciple of Jesus85-95 AD
(49-65 yrs)
- eternal life through Jesus
- John the Baptist
- Jesus' ministry
- Last Supper
- death and resurrection
1 JohnJohn, disciple of Jesus85-95 AD
(49-65 yrs)
- warns against false teachers
- faith and love toward Jesus
2 JohnJohn, disciple of Jesus85-95 AD
(49-65 yrs)
- abide in truth
3 JohnJohn, disciple of Jesus85-95 AD
(49-65 yrs)
- praise for faithful service
RevelationJohn, disciple of Jesus, prisoner85-95 AD
(49-65 yrs)
- encourage/hope to believers
- watch for 2nd coming
- final judgement for non-believers

Who were the original twelve disciples/apostles and where were they from? What was the occupations of each? Which ones of them were related or from the same region? Which ones were martyrs and how did they did?

Bethsaida Peter
- fisherman
- crucified upside

- fisherman
- crucified

James the Elder
- fisherman
- beheaded

- fisherman
- natural causes

- fisherman
- hung

Galilee Bartholomew
- of royal birth
- flayed alive

James the Younger
- unkown occupation
- cut in pieces, then

- unknown occupation
- shot with arrows

Simon the Zealot
- fisherman?
- martyred

- unknown occupation
- speared

Capernaum Matthew
- tax collector
- martyred

Kerioth Judas Iscariot
- treasurer?
- betrayed Jesus
- suicide

Matthias replaced Judas Iscariot after he betrayed Jesus and hung himself. Prayer and casting lots resulted in him being chosen over Joseph/Barsabas.

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