Chronological New Testament Reflections

When I think of the New Testament, what first comes to mind is that it speaks of a time during which our Lord Jesus Christ walked the earth. It is much more than that, of course, but to have a record of things He said and did, and to be given a glimpse of how He felt in various situations, is a special privilege, not to be taken lightly. His words and actions speak of compassion and mercy, and he showed us a higher law by which to live, a law that refers not only to our actions, but our very thoughts and emotions. It is among the text of this book that we are reminded multiple times that Jesus is the only way. It is through Him that salvation comes.

Jesus Comforting Mary and Martha after their brother, Lazarus, died
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Please keep in mind that I am not, in any way, an expert on the Bible. Though I have read bits and pieces throughout my life, I have never finished the Old Testament, and have only recently read the New Testament from cover to cover for the first time. I simply wanted a place to organize my thoughts and reflections, and to gather together various historical elements I have been studying as I go through the text a second and subsequent times.

My hope, in posting this information online, is that it will help others to want to know the Lord on a personal level and to learn more about Him. I wish for all to know that He is always there for us. In building a closer relationship with Him, we gain a greater understanding that we are never alone.

Though I initially read the New Testament from start to finish, in the order that it is traditionally compiled in the Bible, I chose this time to study the text in chronological order. This has allowed me to also compare various accounts of the same events, in the order in which they occurred. Thus, many of the posts in this blog will be organized in this manner.